anant vastu chakras

All About Chakras

Chakra is a Sanskrit term which means a circle or a wheel. The human body also consist of many chakras, 7 out of which are recognised as the most powerful ones for spiritual progress.

5 amongst them form an energy circuit along the spinal column in the region of the major nerve plexus (a branching network of intersecting nerves). The remaining 2 are located in the head region.

These chakras transmit energy throughout the mind and the body through subtle vibrations. All these chakras function at different vibrational frequencies and thus emit lights of different colours.

The yogis perceived these chakras in deep meditations as lotus flowers of different shades with different number of petals. Thus, these chakras are also called the lotuses of the human body.

A brief description of the 7 major chakras is as follows:

  • Mooladhar Chakra: The lowest energy centre, mooladhar is present at the base of the spine in the region of coccygeal plexus. This is from where the human evolution begins. It influences the excretory and reproductive organs and glands. It is responsible for the sense of smell. Symbolically, mooladhar is represented by a four petalled red lotus. Inside is a yellow square surrounded by a circle which represents the Earth element.
  • Swadhisthan Chakra: Two fingers above the mooladhar in the sacral plexus lies the swadhisthan chakra. This closely links to mooladhar and also influences the reproductive organs and glands. Swad refers to taste and tasting is the sensorial faculty of this chakra. A six petalled vermillion lotus with a circle inside and crescent moon at the bottom symbolises it.The moon represents the Water element and the subconscious mind.
  • Manipur Chakra: In the solar plexus, behind the navel lies the Manipur chakra. Manipur means the city of jewels. At this point, the nadis or subtle energy channels congregate and emit immense light and the yogic texts describe it as a lustrous shining jewel. Manipur contains the fire element and thus the expression ‘digestive fire’ helping in digestion and absorption of food and prana. It is like the midpoint between heaven (the ajna chakra) and earth (mooladhar chakra). This is where goddess Laxmi resides. A bright yellow lotus with ten petals symbolizes it. Inside is an inverted red triangle representing fire.
  • Anahata Chakra: In the heart centre, called the cardiac plexus lies the Anahata chakra representing the Air element . Ana means no and ahata means struck. This is where one can experience the unstruck vibrations i.e. the pulse of the universe or the pulse of the human existence. This is the residing place of the jivatma or the individual soul. A pale blue lotus with twelve petals symbolizes it. Inside are two interlaced triangles, one pointing up and the other down.
  • Vishuddhi Chakra: In the cervical plexus lies the Vishuddhi chakra. Vi means beyond comparison and shuddhi means purifier. Vishuddhi prevents toxins from circulating in the system. It impacts the throat, vocal cords, Thyroid glands and tonsils. The yogic texts talk about a fluid which falls from the higher chakras. The Vishuddhi chakra then retains it. It is here that it becomes nectar generating vitality and longevity. But when this amrit falls to Manipur, it burns and thus causes disease. It appears as a smoky violet lotus with sixteen petals. In the centre is a white bindu like the full moon. It represents the Space element.
  • Ajna Chakra: Located at the top of the spinal column in the medulla oblongata is the Ajna chakra. It associates with the pineal gland and is also the the command centre. From here, the transmission of intuition happens to the lower centres. Therefore, it is also synonymus to the Third Eye or the eye of intuition. This is where the ida, pingala and sushumna nadis merge and is also famous as the mukta triveni .It also symbolises the confluence of the three holy rivers viz. Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati. This is the most powerful energy centre which awakens the higher creative forces of humans. A silver lotus with two petals and the mantra Om signifies this chakra .
  • Sahasrara Chakra: Located at the crown of the head, this is the seat of supreme consciousness. This is the highest point of human evolution. This is the master key that controls the awakening of all chakras. The chakras are only switches. Their potential power lies in Sahasrara. At this point, individual consciousness dies and universal consciousness is born. One visualises this as a thousand-petalled lotus unfolding from the crown of the head in all directions into eternity.

About the author

Abhishek Khandelwal is India's leading Vastu Consultant with over 18 years of experience. He offers Residential, Commercial & Office Vastu Consultation Services.

Abhishek's unique ability to combine Astrology with Vastu to offer tailor-made solutions makes him one of the most trusted Vastu Consultant in India.

A qualified MBA, Abhishek has worked with large MNC's and brings with him a vast experience of offering Online Vastu Consultation to clients across the globe.

His unique solutions involve zero demolitions and practical Vastu remedies which are easy to implement. Know More

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